The controller by technological processes is indented for organization of remote switching ON/OFF,controlling and measuring up to 8 (with opportunity to increase up to 24), and regulation up to 8 (with opportunity to increase up to 16) parameters.

Provides the following types of adjustment:

  • manual (by inserted the necessary value);
  • automatic (the algorithm and value of limits of adjustable parameters are set ). The accuracy of adjustment depends on the given algorithm.


The main units of the controller are:
  • micro-controller (MC) with analog-digital converter based on pulse-duration modulation (ADC-PDM);
  • analog-digital converter based on pulse-code modulation (ADC);
  • nonvolatile RM;
  • interface of sequential standard ports RS-232 and RS-485;
  • interface of control and indication (ICI). Consists of the keyboard (16 keys) and liquid-crystal detector (LCD) with lighting control;
  • analog commutator (AC);
  • clock with RAM;
  • attenuator (Att);
  • analog filter and level converter (AFLC);
  • keys (photon-coupled and transistor).


Interface with central computer RS 232C or RS 485
— input control signals 0…5 V
— output  control signals (six digit ADC has 64 discrete values of voltage) 0…12 V
Power consumption:
 — in operation mode, no more than 1 W
 — in STAD BY mode 0,001 W
Measurement accuracy of input signals 0,02 V
Storage time of values of the adjustable parameters
-independently of power supply, not less than 10 years


We propose the thin film temperature sensors made ​​on the basis of the platinum resistor and having long term stability, durability and reproducible of performance. It is used for precise temperature control of processes.


Temperature range of  measurements minus 200…+1000 0С
Sensor’s resistance at ТENV = 00С (R0) 100,  200, 500, 1000 Ohm
Temperature coefficient of sensor (αT) 0,00385 ± 0,63 x 10-4
Spread at R0 minus 0,6 …+ 0,2 %
Response time 0,15 …05 s
Overall dimensions without leads 3,1×1,3 x1,2 mm
Leads length 10…15 mm

Sensitive Hydrogen Sensor 

 We are offering the thin-film high-speed hydrogen sensors, operated at low operating temperature


  • high sensitivity and selectivity to hydrogen gas;
  • low operating temperature;
  • low power consumption;
  • fast response and recovery times;
  • continuous time of stabile operation at  up 0 to 98% humidity.

 Fields of application 

Automated systems for explosion prevention.

Control of space power generating system.

Safety systems for automobiles working by hydrogen fuels.

Fuel cells.

Explosibility monitoring of powerful electric accumulators and oscillators for leak coolant detection.

Monitoring systems of  flow processes and detectors of hydrogen leak.

Smoke’s multisensory detector.

Electron pumps.


Hydrogen definition range 50…40000ppm
Sensitivity at 1000ppm H2 103
Power consumption of heater 120mW
Heater voltage 3,5V
Supply voltage of sensor 1…5V
Resistance of the heater at 20оС  temperature 75Ohm
Response time at 100ppm H 1…2 s
Operating temperature 130оС


The given product is developed together with the Center of semiconductor devices and nanotechnologies of the Yerevan State University


It is applied in TV technique for joint operation of two transmitters with different frequencies (video and sound signal support), loaded on one general (common) antenna.

Prevents mutual influence of transmitters and their cross modulation.
The device is made as double, 3-dB stubbed bridge with two band rejection  filters.


Range frequencies 470…780 MHz
Operating frequency band 10 MHz
Input  VSWR 1,3
Losses of a path:
    -sound support 1,5 dB
    — of the video-signal 0,6 dB
Power suppression of one transmitter to the input of other 30 dB
Dimensions 250x160x60 mm
Weight 1,5 kg



  The 900 MHz GSM-duplexer is intended for using on antenna paths of theGSM-900 standard mobile communication system, operating on one transceiver antenna.

 Decoupling between two paths is provided by high frequency discrimination of each filters included on it.


Frequency range
   -transmission (TX) 890…915MHz
   -reception (RX) 935…960MHz
Losses in band, no more than 1,5 dB
Isolation between TX and RX, not less than 70 dB
SWR, no more than <1,5
Input/output resistance 50 Ohm
Maximum input power 50W
Temperature range minus 30..+600C
Connectors SMA-F
Overall dimensions 170x83x39mm
Weight, no more than 300g