Industrial electronics

The training program on «Industrial electronics» direction includes education of the listed below disciplines:


• Sensors

• Measuring systems

• Microprocessor devices — control units

• Programmable logic (VHDL)

• Fundamentals elements of electronics

• Operational amplifier

• Means of information displaying

Complex electromechanical systems

The training program on the «Complex electromechanical systems» direction includes education of the listed below disciplines:


• Fundamentals of electromechanical systems designing

• Carrier structures of the radio-electronic equipment

• Support-rotating system and its drive

• Executive drives

• Structural analysis and modeling of complex mechanical systems

• Dynamic analysis and modeling of complex electromechanical systems,

• Inserting of modern software packages for the analysis and modeling of complex  electromechanical systems.

Complex system of temperature control

The program of instruction on the «Complex system of temperature control»  direction includes education of the listed below disciplines:


• Fundamentals of temperature control systems designing

• The analysis and modeling of temperature control systems of the radio- electronic equipments

• System of air and liquids conditioning

• Inserting of modern software packages, for analysis and modeling of complex temperature control systems.


The training program in the «Telecommunication» field includes studying of disciplines by three large blocks:



• Fundamentals of Circuit theory

• Radio materials chemistry

• Fundamentals of Radio engineering

• Fundamentals of Circuit design

• Microelectronics

• Microprocessor systems

• Electromagnetic fields and waves

• Physical fundamentals of MICROWAVE technology

• Antenna — feeding devices

• Fundamentals of TV and Radio broadcasting

• Antenna measurements on near and far field.



• Fundamentals of telecommunication networks and systems construction;

• Communication network and commutation systems;

• Satellite communication systems

• Telecommunication management;

• Fundamentals of the communication theory with mobile objects;

• Power supplies of devices and telecommunications systems;

• Optical telecommunication systems;

• Optoelectronic and quantum devices.



• Coding theory

• Computer science and information technology

• Information security fundamentals

Radio engineering systems

The training program in the «Radio engineering systems»  field  includes studying and construction of two largest classes systems —  radar and radio navigating systems, connected with problems of detection, tracking, support and navigation of the moving objects:


• Radar  fundamentals

• Radio navigating fundamentals

• Statistical radio engineering

• Digital Signal processing


The program includes also studying of separate disciplines from the block of radio electronics in the «Telecommunication» field.

• Fundamentals of Radio engineering

• Electromagnetic fields and waves

• Physical fundamentals of the MICROWAVE techniques

• Antenna measuring on near and far field