The LSCS is intended for maintenance of simplex loud-speaking communication between the removed from each other systems.
Communication between equipment LSCS is carried out in any combination by two-wire and four-wire lines or phone channels of automatic telephone exchange (ATE).
It is one of components of operatively-technological communication system and can be used everywhere, where there is a necessity of people communication, connected by a uniform technological chain: in the industrial enterprises, in administration building, station and entertaining complexes, offices and etc.
Two modifications of the loud-speaking equipment are produced:
- LSCS-1, used at a single-channel two-side loud speaking communication

LSCS-8 –equipment providing 8 channel loud speaking communication

LSCS provides:
- Transmission from built-in or external noise-resistant microphones with the indicating lamp for transmission mode turning on;
- Transmission reception on the built- in loudspeaker of the device and/or an external active loudspeaker with the possibility of loudness level control. Information reception is made at the released button or talk-listen button;
- Automatic transition on DC supply (accumulator) with the 12V voltage at switching-off of AC network;
LSCS — 8 has conference communication mode between channels.
Operating band of receiving and transmitting amplifiers |
300…3400 Hz |
Output power of receiving amplifier |
1 W |
Power consumption from network no more than
one channel |
3 W |
8 channels |
6 W |
Supply voltage of AC source |
220 V |
Supply voltage from DC source |
12 V |
Output voltage of transmitting amplifier |
1,1 V |
Active resistance of connecting line no more than |
600 Ohm |
Operating mode |
round-the clock |
Overall dimensions:
LSCS-1 |
150x148x70mm |
LSCS-8 |
280x1165x80mm |
Mass no more than: