The SAW filters are used in the radiotechnical eguipment, in TV communication systems, mobile phones, etc.


Frequency range 10…1000 MHz
Minimal dimensions 0.9…1,8 mm
Relative  pass band 0,1…40%
Losses within the pass band 2…20 dB
Guaranteed attenuation 30…50 dB
Operating  temperature minus 40 0C…+  800C



Nominal frequency 210 MHz
Pass bandwidth minus 5 dB 630 kHz
Ripple within ±300 kHz 1 dB
Insertion Loss 10 dB
Attenuation bandwidth at a level minus 40 dB ±1,25 MHz
Guaranteed attenuation 40 dB
Input impedance 1000 Ohm
Output impedance 500 Ohms
Operating temperature minus 30 0C …+  800C
Dimensions 13,8×8,0x2,0 mm

«BOXCAR» — The series narrow-band SAW filters, which have different central frequencies, with LC matching circuits of input and output is proposed .

Filters Input and output is strip line.

Produced three groups of filters

group A 30,30…89,50 MHz
group B 227,45…396,30 MHz
group С 11,00…134,80 MHz

Mini Automatic Telephone Exchange System (MINI ATE)

It is intended for providing of reliable and qualitative communications with possibility to organize  the internal  communication,   increasing efficiency of use of  the existing  local  phone lines, thereby decreasing expenses of it contents.

Automatic  telephone  exchange  (ATE)   satisfies  to  the international quality standards, providing uninterrupted communication at any load. It is simple in installation and is convenient in use.

The  given  advantages in a combination of easy  usage and obtainable price  do automatic  telephone  exchange   by  necessary  attribute  for business life of any firm.


The main functions of the MINI ATE are: 

  • provision of local communication
  • distribution of incoming calls
  • various categories of access
  • organization of communication both with the centre battery (CB) and with a local battery (LB)
  • convenient remote dialectic mode of provision of commutation by the operator
  • auto attendant
  • inhibit  of intercity calling
  • conference communication
  • divert call
  • selector communication
  • call’s tariffication
  • possibility of connection with a urban telephone network through Е1
  • possibility of a group IP-telephony
  • archiving of conversations on selective channels
  • crypto-protection of communication channels.
  • direct exchange facilities


It is intended for providing of reliable and qualitative communications with possibility to organize  the internal  communication,   increasing efficiency of use of  the existing  local  phone lines, thereby decreasing expenses of it contents.

Automatic telephone exchange  (ATE)   satisfies  to  the international quality standards, providing uninterrupted communication at any load. It is simple in installation and is convenient in use.

The  given  advantages in a combination of easy  usage and obtainable price  do automatic  telephone  exchange   by  necessary  attribute  for business life of any firm.


Mini ATE — 8/2   allows connect two external (local) double wire line and 8 internal subscribers.

The main functions of the Mini ATE 8/2 are:

  • Provision of local communication
  • Distribution of incoming calls
  • Direct exchange facilities
  • Divert call



 DCST is the hardware-software complex intended for carrying out of meetings and conferences up to 30 (60) participants.

Digital transmission of audio signals considerably simplifies maintenance of system. Provision of sound-on of halls and the organization of simultaneous interpretation in one or several languages (up to 6).

Simultaneous usage of two such systems enables increases of participants’ number up to 60 (120).


DCST multipart assemblies are:

MD6-30 — central board (control unit by system) 1 pc
D6-30 — individual board of participants up to 30 pcs
TD-2 — boards of participants 1…6 pcs
DM6-30 — presiding board 1 pc
Set of connecting cables 1 set
RTS-1- radio transmitters up to 6 pcs
RTS-1 is necessary at combining of wire system with wireless. In that case the number of participants considerably increases and they have opportunity to move freely


The conference system ACS is a hardware-software complex, which is intended for carrying out of meetings and conferences up to 30 participants. ACS provides sounding-on of halls.